
only rain down the drain
What is Stormwater?
Human activity is largely responsible for the stormwater pollution. Everything that we put on the ground or into the storm drain can end up in our water. Each of us has a responsibility to make sure these contaminants stay out of our water. Whether we have clean water is up to you.
The official definition of stormwater under the N.J.A.C. 7:14A rules is as follows:
'Stormwater' means water resulting from precipitation (including rain and snow) that runs off the land's surface, is transmitted to the subsurface, or is captured by separate storm sewers or other sewage or drainage facilities, or conveyed by snow removal equipment.
Stormwater Coordinator Contact
For more information and questions on stormwater programs please contact:
Matt Ayers
Director of Public Works
609-652-3700 Ext. 255
Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Stormwater Links
storm water documents storm water events storm water resources storm water ordincances
Stormwater Documents
Stormwater Prevention Plan, Management Plan, and other documents.
Stormwater Events
Look for our events on the calendar and see how you can
get involved.
Stormwater Resources
Click hear to learn more information about stormwater
and get educational resources.
Stormwater Ordinances
Understand what rules Galloway Townsnip has around stormwater.
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Frequently Asked Questions:
Stormwater flows directly into our rivers, lakes, streams and the ocean or into a stormwater system through a storm drain.
Storm drains are frequently located in parking lots and along the curbs of roadways. The grate that prevents larger objects from flowing into the storm sewer system is called a catch basin. Once below ground, the stormwater flows through pipes, which lead to an outfall where the stormwater usually enters a stream, river or lake.
In some areas, the outfall may lead to a stormwater management basin. These basins control the flow and improve the quality of stormwater, depending on how they are designed. They can also recharge groundwater systems.
In some urban areas of the state, the stormwater and sanitary sewer systems may be combined. Here both stormwater and sewage from households and businesses travel together in the same pipes and are treated at sewage treatment plants except during heavy rains. During these occasions, both the stormwater and untreated sewage exceed the capacity of the treatment plant, and this overflow is directed into local waterways.
Urbanization and increasing commercial and residential development have a great impact on local water resources. More impervious surfaces (roads, rooftops, parking lots and other hard surfaces that do not allow stormwater to soak into the ground) increase the rate of stormwater runoff. This means a greater volume of water carrying pollution into surface waters and less water soaking into the ground. These contaminants include litter; cigarette butts and other debris from sidewalks; motor oil poured into storm sewers; settled air pollutants; pet wastes; yard wastes; and pesticides and fertilizers from lawn care. Less water soaking into the ground also lowers ground water levels, which can dry up streams and hurt stream ecosystems, and can reduce the supply of well water.

There are inexpensive ways to control excess runoff created by patios, driveways, sidewalks and roofs. Whatever the soil drainage condition in your neighborhood, landscaping and careful grading of your property's surface area can be used to control runoff, reduce its speed and increase the time over which it is released. For example, land immediately adjacent to your house needs to have a downhill slope so that water does not seep through the foundation. Once the water has been carried 10 feet from the house, the surface should be graded so that runoff is released gradually.

Surface runoff can be decreased and ground water infiltration increased by following these suggestions:

  • Install gravel trenches along driveways or patios to collect stormwater and filter it into the soil.
  • Plant sod on bare patches in your lawn as soon as possible to avoid erosion.
  • Grade all areas away from your house at a gentle slope.
  • Use a grass swale, which is a man-made depression, to move water from one area to another.
  • Plant shrubs and trees to promote infiltration (see chapter on lawn and garden care).
  • If you are building a new home or in a position to consider regrading your property, you may want to create a basin, which will hold all runoff and allow it to infiltrate the soil over a longer period of time. This should be done only where drainage is good. Alternatively, you may be able to create a gently rolling surface or a system of berms, or mounds, and swales to slow run-off. Berms and swales are slight elevations and depressions in the surface that provide channels along which water will flow. If you have a wet area, you may be able to move the basin to a less used area of the yard – around shrubs or trees, for example – by installing a swale to carry the water across the yard. Be advised that most activities performed in regulated wetlands require a permit. Contact DEP Land Use Regulation for information at (609) 292-0060. Plant trees and shrubs that thrive in wet soils in the new wet area.

One method of reducing stormwater runoff is to minimize the amount of impervious surfaces such as concrete sidewalks and asphalt driveways. Impervious surfaces do not allow runoff to seep into the ground. Use pervious surfaces instead. A paving surface that allows water to soak in may seem impossible, but there are many materials that provide the durability of concrete while allowing rainwater to filter down into the ground. If you are planning a new patio, walkway or driveway, there are several attractive alternatives to concrete. Some examples of these needs are:

  • Wood or recycled material decks, usually installed for their functional good looks, can serve as a form of porous pavement. Redwood, cedar and treated pine are as durable as most nonporous surfaces such as asphalt or concrete. Decking allows rainwater to soak into the ground beneath it, and the space between the planks provides ample room for precipitation to drain directly onto the soil surface. As long as minimal air space is maintained between the soil surface and the decking, wood rot can be minimized.
  • If you are installing a new patio or rebuilding a crumbling sidewalk, you do not need to use the typical slab concrete. Using bricks, interlocking pavers or flat stones (flagstone, bluestone or granite), you can construct an attractive, durable walkway. If placed on well-drained soil or on a sand or gravel bed, these modular pavers allow rainwater infiltration. Avoid using chemicals to control weeds growing in the joints between the pavers; Corsican mint or moss can crowd out weeds and add beauty to the paved area.
  • Pre-cast concrete lattice pavers also rest on a bed of sand and gravel and allow rain to soak slowly into the ground.
  • Dutch drains, which are containers of gravel with holes used to infiltrate water from rooftops directly into the ground, carry water from rain spouts into the soil, where it gradually filters into the ground.
    These types of materials can be used wherever natural soil drainage is good and there are no problems with either bedrock near the surface or seasonal high water table.

Significant strides have also been made in the last few decades in developing porous asphalt pavement. This material is similar to conventional asphalt in durability, but it contains a much smaller percentage of very fine particles. As a result, the asphalt allows water to soak through into the soil below.

Planting trees is one way to protect land and local streams from the damage caused by excessive runoff and erosion. Trees have long been appreciated for their beauty, but their help in minimizing erosion is not as well known. Landscaping by planting shrubs, trees and ground covers has definite environmental benefits and enhances the appearance and value of property. Realtors suggest that mature trees increase the value of homes as well as the speed of sale.

Plants and trees can create outdoor rooms where you and your family can work and play. Well-planned landscaping can reduce heating and cooling costs for your house by as much as 30 percent. New shrubs and trees may attract birds and wildlife. Trees, shrubs and ground cover also require less maintenance than grass. Because trees and shrubs require less fertilizer and fewer herbicides than grass, the chances of polluting streams is minimized.

Another possibility is landscaping for wildlife. By selecting appropriate plants, landscaping can both reduce water pollution and serve wildlife. Four basic elements are needed for wildlife: food, water, shelter and space. Food can be supplied through vegetation that provides seeds, nuts or berries. Water, if not available nearby as a stream or lake, can be provided as a small pool or pond. Vegetation, a pond or even a brush pile can serve as shelter, providing protection from predators and the weather. Space needs vary among wildlife but include enough room to reproduce, find food and carry on the different stages of their life cycle. The specifics depend on whether you are trying to attract a variety of wildlife or a certain species, such as butterflies or hummingbirds. For more information, contact DEP Division of Fish, Game and Wildlife, CN 400, Trenton, NJ 08625-0400.

An environmentally sensitive landscape reduces the erosive force of rainwater runoff and increases the value of your home. By planting trees, shrubs and ground cover, you encourage excess rainwater to filter slowly into the soil instead of flowing directly into storm drains or nearby streams. Choosing trees and plants that are appropriate for your soil and growing conditions will ensure that you will have a beautiful yard.

For more information on landscaping, see the chapter on Lawn and Garden Care.

By following these few simple guidelines, you can make your home more attractive and help prevent erosion:

  • Never dump motor oil, grass trimmings, leaves, animal waste or other pollutants into the roadway or stormwater catch basins.
  • Landscape your yard to minimize rainwater runoff.
  • Divert rain from paved surfaces onto grass to permit gradual infiltration.
  • Preserve the established trees in your neighborhood, which help minimize the damage caused by surface runoff.
  • Choose the appropriate plants, shrubs and trees for the soil in your yard; do not select plants that need lots of watering, which increases surface runoff.
  • Consult your local nursery or your county’s Rutgers Cooperative Research and Extension office for advice on which plants, shrubs and trees will grow well in your yard.

Snow and Ice Control

The public works department works hard to make driving safer and easier on our 542 (+/-) roadways in snowy weather.

Depending on the duration and amount of snowfall, township trucks may plow your road multiple times.  As the snow rolls off the plows, it will accumulate in the driveway aprons.  Please understand that this is unavoidable and it is the homeowner's responsibility to clear the driveway apron.

Listed below is a step-by-step explanation of the snow removal process in the township.

- At the onset of a storm, all emergency routes are salted.  Once the snow has accumulated to 3 inches, the snow plowing operations begin on emergency routes first, then primary routes are completed, last secondary routes.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION:  ONLY emergency and primary routes are salted.  Secondary routes are NOT salted.
- Once snow plowing has begun, our goal is to plow streets curb to curb starting with all emergency routes, then primary roads, followed by the secondary roads.  To achieve this goal all vehicles must be off the roadways.  Please see below for a list of emergency and primary roads listed by section referring to the township map below.
- When a snow removal operation is underway, public works employees work around the clock to provide the best possible service to the residents of Galloway Township.
- Once the snow falls stops, it takes approximately twelve (12) additional hours for our twenty-seven (27) plow trucks to complete the snow removal operation.
- When clearing a driveway or sidewalk, do not put the snow back into the street.  We plow to keep the snow off the roadways and putting the snow back into the street creates a hazard.  Please place the snow on your curb or lawn area.
- Please remove all vehicles as well as any other obstructions from the roadways since this hampers the snow plowing effort.  Parking in the street prohibits the trucks from plowing roadways.
- Have all basketball courts moved out of the right-of-way.
- Do not stop drivers during operations for the safety of the public and driver.  If you need to report a complaint or request, please call the public works department at 609-652-3700 ext. 244.
- When clearing your driveway and/or sidewalk please do not put the snow in the roadway.
Please be aware that not all roads are plowed or salted by Galloway Township Public Works Department.  All County roads are maintained by Atlantic County Public Works Department and state roads are maintained by the New Jersey Department of Transportation.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding a county road, please call the Atlantic County Public Works Department at 609-645-5830.
The following are county roads:
  • Aloe Street
  • Bremen Avenue (Atlantic Avenue to Indian Cabin Road)
  • Clarks Landing Road
  • Cologne Avenue (Hamilton Township border to Moss Mill Road)
  • Cologne-Port Republic Road
  • Duerer Street
  • English Creek Road
  • Jimmie Leeds Road
  • Leeds Point Road
  • Leipzig Avenue (Aloe Street to Hamilton Township border)
  • Moss Mill Road
  • Motts Creek Road
  • Old New York Road
  • Oyster Creek Road
  • Pitney Road
  • Pomona Road
  • Race Track Road
  • Sixth Avenue
  • Smithville Boulevard
  • Tilton Road
If you have any questions or concerns regarding a state road, please call the New Jersey Department of Transportation at 609-588-6213.
The following are state roads:
  • New York Road (Route 9)
  • Philadelphia AVenue (Route 50)
  • White Horse Pike (Route 30)

Snow Section Map

Bulk Waste


Leaf Collection



Spring Leaf Collection - April

During the Spring Leaf Collection, you will receive one pickup of your leaves.  It is important that you check your schedule week of pickup.  Leaves must be out near the curb prior to your week, so that ensures you do not miss your pickup.  We do not know exactly what day they will be passing your house during your pickup.  If you miss your pickup day during that week the trucks will not be coming back through.


Fall Leaf Collection - November & December

During the Fall Leaf Collection, it is important that you check your schedule week of pickup.  Leaves must be out near the curb prior to your week, so that ensures you do not miss your pickup.  We do not know exactly what day they will be passing your house during your pickup.  If you miss your pickup day during that week the trucks will not be coming back through until your next scheduled week.


Residents have the choice to rake your leaves to the edge of your property or bag your leaves in biodegradable paper bags.  This collection is for leaves only, no grass clippings, branches or other debris.

Residents may also bring leaves and grass clippings to our Compost Facility located on Galloway Road, Wednesday through Saturday, 8:00 am to 2:00 pm.


ATTENTION RESIDENTS: Galloway Township Ordinance mandates that those who are bagging leaves must place them in biodegradable paper bags for pickup at the curb.




If you have any questions concerning your pickup dates, please call the Public Works Department at 609-652-3700 Ext. 244.




Section #1                                                                        Section #3

Parkway W. to Bremen Avenue                                            Parkway E. to Reeds Bay

Route 30 N. to Galloway boundary                                       Jimmie Leeds Road S. to Galloway boundary


Section #2                                                                        Section #4

Parkway E. to Reeds Ray                                                    Parkway W. to Bremen Avenue

Jimmie Leeds Road N. to Galloway boundary                        Route 30 S. to Galloway boundary




  • DO NOT rake leaves over storm drains or in roadway creating a hazard.
  • Leaves must be placed at the edge of your property no more than 5 days prior to scheduled collection. 
  • Leaves must be raked out to edge of property prior to your scheduled collection and will be made during your scheduled time.
  • Raked leaves must be fully accessible; away from utility poles, mailboxes and parked cars.
  • Delays due to inclement weather may affect scheduled collection dates.

For information about Composting on your property,

call the Office of Sustainability at 609-652-3700 Ext. 209